Ebook Printer: From Blank Page To Published Within 30 Days

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Make Money Writing Ebooks Even If You're Not A Pro Writer, An Expert Marketer, Or Tech-Savvy.

If You Ever Find Yourself...

• Toying with the idea of writing an ebook but have no idea how to start

• Feeling overwhelmed over a blank page trying to figure out what to write

• Afraid of spending hours writing an ebook and not making any sales.

• Having doubts about self-publishing your ebooks

• Clueless about which software to use

• Doubting yourself because you feel you lack technical skills to self-publish

• Dreaming about having an ebook capable of making you an extra $100, $500, $1000+ on a random day

• Looking for a simple way to make passive income

Then what I’ve put together is meant for you!

a step-by-step process
to write your ebooks,
self-publish them easily,
and make passive income,
even if you're not
a professional writer,
an expert marketer,
without wasting time
or writing for hours every day,
or pulling all-nighters,
or buying expensive software.

Introducing: Ebook Printer
The Complete Digital Edition

The Only System You’ll Ever Need To Write And Self-Publish Your Ebooks

Here's everything you'll get inside the Complete Digital Edition.

Ebook Printer (Value: $39)
A repeatable system to write and self-publish ebooks even if you're not a pro writer, an expert marketer, or tech-savvy.

13 Video Tutorials (Value: $97)
From how to research your market, to how to design your ebook's cover page. From creating 3D mockups of your ebook to making your ebook look beautiful.

Crashcourse Gumroad: Build Your Passive Income Machine Video Course (Value: $77)
A step-by-step 60-minute video course on how to use this e-commerce platform to make sales.

Case Study Launch Video Training (Value: $47)
A rare look over my shoulders at how I launched one of my digital products.

Email Marketing Templates (Value: $17)
Don’t know what to send to people who buy your ebooks? These templates will help you overcome this challenge.

Namebook (Value: $27)
45 Bullet-proof Naming Formulas to set your ebook up for success faster.

Sales Page Formula (Value: $25)
Discover the elements of an irresistible sales page to persuade people to buy your ebook.

Ebooks To Collect Emails Guide (Value: $17)
Gain authority and respect using email marketing. This 5-page micro guide will show you how to use Ebook Printer to write micro guides and use Gumroad to grow an email list.

Daily Writer Video Course (Value: $77)
A 60-minute course to show you how to develop the habit of writing.

Ebook Mindset Guide (Value: $27)
The 12 invisible enemies that prevent you from writing your ebook and how to destroy them.

Marketing Template Designs (Value:$25)
5 Canva templates for you to use so you don't have to design your promotional assets from scratch

Ebook Printer Worksheet (Value: $17)
Never get lost writing your ebook. This worksheet will help you stay on track.

The Entire Process To Write And Self-Publish Your Ebooks Within 30 Days Using My 3-Pillar System

In Part One, we’ll look at the Deconstruct Pillar.

We’ll cover the pitfalls of choosing your ebook’s topic.

I’ll reveal 2 strategies to help you decide on your ebook’s topic and outline it.

In Strategy 1, I’ll show you a straightforward, zero-effort way to choose a topic — the secret of why it works is in its simplicity.

In Strategy 2, you’ll learn a one-of-a-kind method to instantly come up with what to write about in your ebooks, eliminate the guesswork and stop winging it while writing your ebook.

In Part Two, we’ll cover the Validate Pillar.

We’ll deep dive into 3 strategies that show you how to research your market in an hour, unpack this information to understand it better, and provide you with the clarity you need to set yourself up for success.

In strategy 3, I’ll reveal the simplest market research method that will help you get the most powerful insights about your chosen market. Instead of trying to guess what people want, you’ll unearth what people genuinely want. You’ll be probing the market to avoid writing an over-complicated flop.

In strategy 4, you’ll be learning how to unpack your research so that you can write a valuable ebook you can feel proud of.

In strategy 5, I’ll reveal a direct way to avoid feeling lost and confused while writing your ebook.

Part Three focuses on the Assemble Pillar.

I'll show you an easy way to instantly outline your ebook.

I'll also reveal:

• 3 methods on how to be able to come up with ideas with ease

• 7 powerful tips on writing faster (don't confuse this with typing faster)

• 11 elements your ebooks should have

• My tactics for editing at blazing speeds

• A simple way to name your ebook

• A painless process to publish your ebook even if you lack the technical skills

I Created This System To Help You Turn Your Ideas Into Money-making Ebooks With Confidence

So, if you want to:

• Write an ebook in record time without feeling overwhelmed

• Stop relying on luck by understanding what your audience truly wants

• Save time and money while writing and self-publishing your ebooks

• Write and self-publish your ebook within 30 days

• Discover the simplest ways to make money with ebooks

• Remove the uncertainty from not knowing how to price your ebooks.

Then, Ebook Printer is exactly what you need.

With That Said, Take A Of What Happens When You Apply This System

That’s a screenshot of my eCommerce store, where I process all the payments.

Who Is Jose Rosado?

Hey there! I'm Jose Rosado. I’m a husband and father, living and working in the Dominican Republic. I teach people how to make a full-time income online.

I started my journey on social media during the summer of 2018.

I was terrible at it. Eventually, I hit a point of desperation and I quit by October. But after sifting through my thoughts, one month after quitting, I came back with a vengeance.

By 2019 I was helping others make an extra $1000, $2000, $5000+ every month. Some have even reached the $10K, $20K, and $40K+ a month by selling their ebooks.

Here’s What’s You’ll Discover In Ebook Printer

  • How to deconstruct any topic into its core components so you can eliminate the guesswork and stop winging it while writing your ebook
  • Tips from a non-English speaker (me) on how to write faster, better, and pain-free
  • 3 strategies to show you how to understand your market in under an hour and how to unpack these insights to write an extremely valuable ebook for your readers
  • The step-by-step process on how to exactly find the information that will help you understand your market
  • 3 methods to generate ideas with ease so you never run out of what to say ever again
  • One highly effective ebook outlining method I taught my wife that made her say, “You were right. This works….” 3 times
  • A delightful process to have fun while editing your ebooks for free
  • How I turned $77 in a multi-six-figure ebook business
  • 7 powerful tips on writing faster (don't confuse this with typing faster)
  • A uniquely reliable way to validate your ideas to avoid wasting time writing something nobody wants
  • The 11 elements your ebooks should have to make it a hit with your readers
  • An effortless process to discover people’s problems, needs, desires, questions, doubts, dreams, and much more
  • The elements of highly persuasive ebook covers
  • A straightforward DIY process to design your ebook cover using free software
  • The 4 most painful pitfalls of not understanding your market before you write your ebook – this could cost you thousands of dollars in revenue
  • My painless tactics for editing at blazing speeds
  • The definitive framework to understand your audience to gain certainty that your ebook is what they need
  • 6 six rock-solid rules for naming your ebooks to drive attention and generate demand for it
  • A simple, unconventional way to name your ebook for maximum persuasion
  • An effortless process to self-publish your ebook even if you lack the technical skills
  • The only 2 rules you’ll need to price your ebook
  • An off-the-record Zoom conversation I had with one of my coaching students about writing high converting sales pages
  • A revolutionary way to write your sales pages in minutes
  • The unbelievable, simplest way to increase your revenue by packaging your ebook in a more persuasive manner

It's Time To Choose Your Package

Digital Edition

  • Ebook Printer Guide
  • Ebook Printer Worksheet
  • Namebook
  • 13 Video Tutorials

Complete Digital Edition

  • Ebook Printer Guide
  • Ebook Printer Worksheet
  • 13 Video Tutorials
  • Crashcourse Gumroad​ Video Course
  • Email Marketing Templates​
  • Ebooks To Collect Emails​
  • Case Study Launch​ Video
  • Ebook Mindset​
  • Namebook
  • Sales Page Formula​ Video Training
  • Marketing Template Designs
  • Daily Writer Video Course​

Strategy Edition

  • Everything from the Complete Digital Edition
  • One 60-min consultation call

And You’re Also Protected By My 100% Money-Back Guarantee

If you don’t like my product over the next 30 days, then we will gladly refund your money.

No questions asked!

Download the Complete Digital Edition and apply what you learn there.

You’re either 100% happy or send an email to jose@rosa.do.

(I’m even putting my personal email here! I’ll answer your email myself.)

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Ebook Printer: From Blank Page To Published Within 30 Days

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