FREE: Namebook — 45 Bullet-proof Ebook Naming Formulas

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A Bad Book Title Cost This Woman 2.3 Million Copies In Sales – Here's How To Not Be Like Her.

An eye-catching title can make or break your sales. 

Take, for example, the book Astro-logical Love by Naura Hayden in 1982. 

This title said nothing about the main idea of the book. 

Hayden printed 5000 books but only sold 2000 copies.

Years later, a New York publisher got a hold of the book.

He realized the book was about "How To Seduce Women." 

Therefore, he renamed it "How To Satisfy A Woman Every Time... And Have Her Beg For More!"

This change drove 2.3 million book sales in only 18 months.

Your ebook's title is its most crucial promotional asset.

Think of its name as the main Ad.

You will fail to get sales if your ebook's title doesn't grab your audience's attention.

People are busier than ever, and their attention spans seem shorter than ever.

Your ebook's title is a big deal. For this reason, its title must command people's attention.

You'll find 45 fill-in-the-blank formulas in this guide, so you don't have to write your ebook's title from scratch. 

A great title creates curiosity, demands attention, hooks people, and interests them.

All of these formulas will help you get attention.

And you can have them all for free.

Click "I WANT THIS" to get instant access.

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FREE: Namebook — 45 Bullet-proof Ebook Naming Formulas

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